The Art of French Press Coffee

French press coffee, also known as plunger coffee, is a brewing method that uses a French press coffee maker to immerse coarsely ground coffee beans in hot water. The result is a rich, full-bodied beverage with a distinctive flavor profile and intensity. The secret behind this unique taste lies in the oils from the coffee beans, which are retained in the beverage, giving French press coffee its signature taste. The coffee press separates the coffee grounds from the brewed coffee using a plunger with a filter screen, ensuring a smooth and sediment-free cup. The art of French press brewing can be traced back to the mid-19th century when it was first patented in France. Since then, this brewing method has gained popularity worldwide due to its full-bodied taste, low acidity, and the ability to extract the most flavor from the coffee beans.

Benefits of French Press Coffee

One of the primary benefits of French press coffee is its full-bodied and delectable flavor, which results from the oils in the coffee bean being retained in the beverage. This distinct taste sets it apart from other brewing styles like pour-over or espresso. Moreover, when using a French press, it's essential to slowly press the plunger down, ensuring a smooth and sediment-free cup. In addition to the sensory benefits, French press coffee also comes with some environmental advantages. The optimal coffee grounds for French press are coarsely ground, freshly ground, and chosen from your favorite beans for plunger coffee brewing. By using reusable stainless steel filters instead of disposable paper filters, you'll also be reducing waste, making the French press a more eco-friendly brewing method.

Flavour Profile and Intensity

The bold and robust taste of French press coffee is a result of the coffee grounds being immersed in hot water for the duration of the brew, producing an oily and full-bodied flavor profile. This sets it apart from other brewing styles like pour-over or espresso. The unique flavor is derived from the steeping of freshly ground coffee beans within the vessel. To modify the intensity of the flavor profile, you can experiment with different brewing parameters, such as the quantity of coffee grounds used, the duration of brewing, and the temperature of the water. By adjusting these factors, you can create a cup of French press coffee that perfectly suits your taste preferences.

History of the French Press

The French Press, also known as a cafetière or press pot, originated in France during the late 19th century. Although the exact inventor remains uncertain, it is commonly attributed to Attilio Calimani, a Frenchman who patented the design in 1929. However, the practice of steeping coffee grounds in hot water predates Calimani's patent. The French Press gained popularity in the mid-20th century due to its simplicity and the capacity to extract the rich flavors and oils from coffee beans. Over time, the design has undergone improvements, including the introduction of a metal mesh filter. Today, the French Press is still celebrated as a cherished brewing method, valued for its ability to produce a full-bodied and flavorful cup of coffee.

Mastering the Coffee-to-Water Ratio

The coffee-to-water ratio is crucial for achieving the desired strength, flavor, and texture of your French press coffee. It is imperative to use the correct quantity of coffee and water to attain the desired taste and quality of the coffee. The recommended French press coffee ratio is 1:15 to 1:16, which can be adjusted to personal taste by increasing or decreasing the amount of coffee grounds. Experimenting with different ratios will help you discover the one that best satisfies your taste buds.

The Ideal Coffee Grounds for Your French Press

Medium fine ground coffee beans are best for French press brewing, as they allow for more flavor extraction and a milder cup of coffee. Freshly ground coffee is also recommended for optimal flavor, as pre-ground coffee can rapidly diminish its flavor and aroma. In the following subsections, we'll explore the differences between coarse and fine grounds, the benefits of using freshly ground coffee, and the best coffee bean varieties for French press brewing.

Coarse vs. Fine Grounds

Coarse grounds are of a larger size, enabling water to move more freely, while fine grounds are more diminutive and have a greater surface area to extract flavor compounds. Medium fine grounds are optimal for French press and generate a more concentrated, thicker brew. On the other hand, coarse grounds can result in watery and flavourless cups of coffee. When it comes to coffee selections, this is up to your taste preferences. Medium-dark roasts, such as French Roast and Italian Roast will result in thick, rich and strong brew, whereas light roast coffee will result in a vibrant and juicy brew. The French press is such a versatile brewing method that can be enjoyed using many different types of coffee.

Freshly Ground Coffee vs. Pre-Ground

Freshly ground coffee has a superior consistency and quality in comparison to pre-ground coffee. It possesses a more intense aroma and a more pleasing taste. Moreover, whole coffee beans remain fresh for approximately three times longer than pre-ground coffee. Pre-ground coffee, on the other hand, is more convenient and straightforward to use than freshly ground coffee. Additionally, it is more economical and can be kept for extended periods of time. However, for the best possible French press brewing experience, investing in freshly ground coffee is well worth the effort. We offer various options for your French Press which can be found here.

Best Coffee Blend for French Press Brewing

Medium to dark roast coffee beans are typically recommended for French press brewing due to their bold flavor and full body. Experimenting with different roast style and coffee origins can enhance your French Press brewing experience and help you discover new flavor profiles to enjoy. Don't be afraid to try different beans and roasts to find the perfect match for your taste preferences.

Our Guide to Brewing with a Coffee Plunger

Brewing with a coffee plunger requires careful preparation, precise timing, and proper technique. Read our Plunger Brew Guide on how to perfect the French Press brewing process, from preparing your French Press to plunging the coffee and pouring the perfect cup.


In conclusion, mastering the art of French Press coffee is an enjoyable and rewarding journey. From understanding the history and benefits of this brewing method to perfecting the coffee-to-water ratio, selecting the ideal coffee grounds, and following the step-by-step guide to brewing with a coffee plunger, you now have the knowledge and tools to create a delicious, full-bodied cup of French press coffee. So go ahead and immerse yourself in the world of French press brewing, and experience the unique flavor profile and intensity that only this centuries-old method can offer.